Minecraft Pocket Edition v0 6 0 APK

Kamis, 22 Agustus 2013

Minecraft Pocket Edition v0.6.0 APK
Whats in this version:
Version 0.5.0 - Nether reactor and bug fixes!
- Paintings
- Mushroom farming
- Nether Reactor, strangely connected to the nether...
- Zombie pigmen
Lots and lots of bug fixes, including:
- Animals never respawned on certain maps
- Accidentally hitting other players and animals when not aiming for them
- Crash when loading some maps, or when pressing "Start Game"
- Not being able to leave bed
- Lava could burn objects from a distance

Requires Android: 2.3 and Up

version: 0.6.0

Download Links: (Armv7 Only)

TusFiles: (Direct Download)

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